A Novel About Autism in Nineteenth Century Nova Scotia

Pictures from a Reading

Outdoor Reading at Cole Harbour Heritage Farm (Credit https://dartmouthbookexchange.ca)

As mentioned in a previous post, I had the pleasure of reading at the Cole Harbour Heritage Farm Museum. The weather was lovely and, thanks to Heather and Sawyer, we had tables and chairs set up out in the main yard of the farm. Heather is curator of the museum and was of invaluable assistance in the research behind the book. Also thanks to Sue Slade from Dartmouth Book Exchange for helping with organization and sales. She even made mini-book themed chocolates! Finally thanks to everyone who took the time to attend and discuss Poor Farm.

Sue Slade all set up with copies to sell! (Credit https://dartmouthbookexchange.ca)
Introduction from Heather, museum curator (Credit https://dartmouthbookexchange.ca)
Signing books (Credit https://dartmouthbookexchange.ca)
Checking out the min-book chocolates! (Credit https://dartmouthbookexchange.ca)
Another view of the crowd (Credit https://dartmouthbookexchange.ca)
Reading from Poor Farm (Credit https://dartmouthbookexchange.ca)
The Tufts Cove Writer’s Collective (Credit https://dartmouthbookexchange.ca)
Thrilled to be able to sign for people (Credit https://dartmouthbookexchange.ca)